1240 Podcast EP036 – North Korean Booygeymen, The Rice Experiment and the Most Dangerous of Danger-Wanks

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

Today we discuss the fake news propaganda surrounding “those crazy North Koreans”, look at the voracity of the “rice experiment” and the power of conscious intention, and chew the fat about Ozzieman Review’s purposed “most dangerous of dangerwanks”. Because apparently that’s a thing…

We hope you enjoy the podcast and leave us nice positive comments so we won’t turn bright orange and rot like hated rice.

## LINKS ##

Truthstream: The Power of Intentions https://youtu.be/D1sWVjXhKfg
Two Aussies go to North Korea for a haircut https://youtu.be/JNVCdL908ko
Russia story is STILL bullshit: https://youtu.be/pIm9zNItYq8?t=151
Betrayed by Incognito? http://www.ozzyman.com/google-sends-you-this-cheeky-message-if-youve-been-watching-too-much-porn-on-the-sly/

1240 Podcast EP029 – Savouring Farts, DMT Tripping and a New 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

This week, we revisit Rodders’ claim that smelling farts might be a “health hero”, discuss the pros and cons of psychedelics such as DMT, then we take a moment to recognise the coming anniversary of 9/11 by revising some of the old, now debunked conspiracy theories, and perhaps putting one of our own making into the ether!


Health Benefits of farts: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2687696/Could-smelling-farts-GOOD-Potent-gas-flatulence-help-prevent-cancer-strokes-heart-attacks-claims-scientists.html

Farts good/farts on a plane: https://youtu.be/hk4eC6RtjUo?t=8s

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (James Corbett): https://youtu.be/yuC_4mGTs98?t=15

9/11 Skyscrapers pre-wired (article): http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/04/skyscrapers-pre-wired-to-come-down/

9/11 Skyscrapers pre-wired (audio): http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim fetzer real deal-Howard Lewis III.mp3

DMT Machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9VRElK6X9o

Psychadellic Revolution (Russel Brand / Under the Skin): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9vNDRGveYs&t=514

1240 Podcast EP018 – Bilderberg 2017, Terrorism Everywhere and BPI IT Glitch

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

After a small hiatus we’re back to talk about the recent Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly and the terrorism (albeit vague and unspecified) that lives on our very own streets! We talked on the BPI banking kerfuffle that occurred in the Philippines.