1240 Podcast EP038 – Inverse Boners, The Illuminati Conspiracy Map and Revealing Demon Faces

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

Today we talk inverse boners and pseudo-scrotums, explore the massive Illuminati Conspiracy Map, dabble in indigenous affairs and unveil our favourite new crazy conspiracy channel EyeSpy, who reveals the “real faces” of public figures using Photoshop.

We hope you enjoy the podcast!

## LINKS ##

Female Hyenas have inverse boners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d6oumhz5jE
EyeSpy’s channel – revealing real faces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evcxv068U1M
The conspiracy map: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/amp

1240 Podcast EP032 – Clandestine Wars, Conspiracy Plausibility and Harvey Weinstein Is A Bit Rapey

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

This week, we rabbit on out invisible wars that are possibly orchestrated by elites – the effects and reasons for them being conducted.

Secondly, we bang on about how discussing conspiracy theory can be difficult and why this might be. Why are some people so dismissive of this type of subject matter when so much accessible evidence exists?

Last but not least: Harvey Weinstein. Does he engage in nefarious and sleazy behaviour? Has his bro Bob chucked him under the proverbial bus just to assume control of a multi-billion dollar fortune? HAS our very own Harv become a targeted individual?

Just bloody well listen to this episode where all is revealed! We also speculate what material a Coke can’s knob might consist of..

## LINKS ##

Truthstream Media on Operation Northwoods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5rBc4GS06s

Mark Dice on Harvey Weinstein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibxq6lpqCSU

Corey Feldman on Pedophilia in Hollywood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In7osrOs1qU

Maria Abramovic, spirit cooking and Pizzagate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q22h0CO7DSE

Sky Maitreya and Project Monarch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8tIlWhsWds

1240 Podcast EP031 – Dopamine, Serotonin and Pleasure vs Happiness

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv!

This week, we talk about Robert Lustig’s theory that pleasure and happiness have been conflated so much in our society so much that we can no longer tell the difference, and then pretend we understand the science behind dopamine and serotonin. We then apply these new learnings to our own lives and future goals. We also make wank jokes.


Robert Lustig Interview – Pleasure vs Happiness and hacking the mind: https://youtu.be/EKkUtrL6B18

1240 Podcast EP028 – Father’s Day, Sad Wanks, and Liquor and Whores

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

This week, we welcome legendary Melbourne rapper JP back to the podcast, and talk fathers day, sad wanks, and liquor and also whores. We also discuss some important topics briefly before completely derailing ourselves and talking about liquor and whores again.


Liquor and Whores: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8a9eqkSqM8

50 Cent / Irregular Heartbeat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB9vb392UkI

Kelvin the Giggling Idiot (Michael Veitch, NOT Peter Moon!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prrNz91_0fY

1240 Podcast EP021 – Bit Chute, Passio POV, AI divergence and Robert Steele

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv. This week we talk Bit Chute, cover Mark Passio’s extreme but strangely valid point of view, AI developing it’s own language, Robert Steele’s open source ideas and do a quick Vrillex update.

Rodders also farts in studio and makes it awkward.