1240 Podcast EP029 – Savouring Farts, DMT Tripping and a New 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

This week, we revisit Rodders’ claim that smelling farts might be a “health hero”, discuss the pros and cons of psychedelics such as DMT, then we take a moment to recognise the coming anniversary of 9/11 by revising some of the old, now debunked conspiracy theories, and perhaps putting one of our own making into the ether!


Health Benefits of farts: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2687696/Could-smelling-farts-GOOD-Potent-gas-flatulence-help-prevent-cancer-strokes-heart-attacks-claims-scientists.html

Farts good/farts on a plane: https://youtu.be/hk4eC6RtjUo?t=8s

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (James Corbett): https://youtu.be/yuC_4mGTs98?t=15

9/11 Skyscrapers pre-wired (article): http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/04/skyscrapers-pre-wired-to-come-down/

9/11 Skyscrapers pre-wired (audio): http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim fetzer real deal-Howard Lewis III.mp3

DMT Machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9VRElK6X9o

Psychadellic Revolution (Russel Brand / Under the Skin): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9vNDRGveYs&t=514