1240 Podcast EP039 – Maps of Tassie, Dave Chappelle’s Last Comedy Special and Caelan Really Loves Black Panther!

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

Today we talk about Caelan Cavanagh’s latest video “I LOVE BLACK PANTHER!!!”, puzzle over the meaning of Dave Chapelle’s last Comedy Special “The Bird Revelation”, and wonder how much control the ruling establishment really hold over entertainers and the media.

Oh and we rename the podcast. So enjoy the 1240 Cerebral Flatulence Podcast!

## LINKS ##

Caelan Cavanagh’s Black Panther video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haOnofTpNlo
A Transcript of the Dave Chappelle Comedy Special “The Bird Revelation”: http://scrapsfromtheloft.com/2018/01/03/dave-chappelle-the-bird-revelation-2017-full-transcript/
Vulture Article on Chappelle’s The Bird Revelation: http://www.vulture.com/2018/01/dave-chappelle-how-seriously-does-he-want-to-be-taken.html
A (misguided?) analysis of Chappelle’s Pimp Story: http://www.vulture.com/2018/01/dave-chappelle-pimp-story-bird-revelation-close-read.html
IlluminatiWatcher’s conspiracy view: https://youtu.be/vlEez-cmGa4?t=2183

1240 Podcast EP038 – Inverse Boners, The Illuminati Conspiracy Map and Revealing Demon Faces

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

Today we talk inverse boners and pseudo-scrotums, explore the massive Illuminati Conspiracy Map, dabble in indigenous affairs and unveil our favourite new crazy conspiracy channel EyeSpy, who reveals the “real faces” of public figures using Photoshop.

We hope you enjoy the podcast!

## LINKS ##

Female Hyenas have inverse boners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d6oumhz5jE
EyeSpy’s channel – revealing real faces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evcxv068U1M
The conspiracy map: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/amp

1240 Podcast EP026 – The Advertiser Friendly Episode

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv.

This week, we discuss the YouTube’s new AI de-monetization program and examine whether or not we actually allow each other free speech anyway…


Google Demonetization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQrghsLFVtg

Arnie shaming Trumpy: http://mashable.com/2017/08/18/arnold-schwarzenegger-donald-trump-charlottesville-neo-nazis/#7hcEEWMh.iq8

Bill Maher subtle censorship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H1bu7ltCZs

1240 Podcast EP010 – Dead & Cloned, Jacqui Lambie and Smash or Pass

Drag yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning listening to ill-informed patter from Rodders and Harv. This week we discuss celebrity clones, our failed drunkcast, vile AusPol member Jacqui Lambie, ‘Smash or Pass’ on Youtube, energy from people’s attention and motivation to be creative.